We are the champions!

I woke up at 4am. Wide awake. I laid in bed for two hours thinking. What do I want now? What do I really want? And then I let my mind go. I freed myself to wonder and imagine all of the possibilities. And, in the process, I visualized my life…not the rest of it…just the near future. I didn’t think about the journey, I pondered the destination. Of course, I already have detailed plans for the next few months all wrapped up with a tidy bow – officiate Jen and Grants wedding in California, go to the ranch and spend time with the family, make a pit stop in D-town and spend time with my girls, enjoy some Leakey sunrises with my peeps at Circle H, catch up with my ATX family, and have a fantastic Thanksgiving dinner at my sissy’s house. That gets me through November. After that…it’s all up in the air. The plans end and the dreaming begins.

I recall this feeling from several years ago…I woke up in the middle of the night excited and ready for something new…and I’m now exactly where I dreamed I would be then. It makes me giddy every time I get to say that. I’m a hopeless romantic for living the dream. L-I-V-I-N, baby!

John Steinbeck quote

Maybe you find yourself in a similar situation. Perhaps you’ve been doing a bit of daydreaming yourself. How do you take that leap? (Always remember, the net WILL appear.)

But, what’s the next step?

Coming from the world of marketing and project management, I love “action items”. I have them and dole them out to others in my business life, but also in my personal life. I actively participate in making my dreams a reality. When I want something, I go get it. I don’t wait for someone to offer it to me or hope that someday it will be mine. Don’t get me wrong, intention is the biggest piece of the puzzle, but awareness and action are required.

You’ve heard the old sayings, “timing is everything” and “the early bird gets the worm”. Doors of opportunity are opening and closing all around us all of the time. It’s our responsibility to be present and aware so we can seize the opportunities the moment they appear. Be an active participant in your own life.  TAKE. ACTION!

But how do we do that?

Maya Angelou quote

Summon the courage to step out into those unfamiliar waters with confidence and be your own champion. Don’t be afraid to toot your own horn. Self-confidence is an important part of living your best life. Don’t be afraid to ask for what you want. The worst thing that could happen is hearing the word “no”. I hate for someone to tell me “no”. It stings. It pisses me off. And, if it’s a big “NO” it can physically feel like the wind is being knocked out of me. You remember that reminiscent feeling of getting pegged in the gut with a dodge ball during recess? That’s what “no” can do to you. But, that’s it. You take a knee, breathe through it and then get back up and play the game. And, you’ve learned something that will make you better the next go around – another bitter-sweet dose of character building. And, it’s good to get pissed off every now and again, if it inspires action (the positive, life-changing, world-changing kind…not the bitter, resentful, spiteful kind. You know the difference).

What’s that you say? You’re too busy to chase your dreams? Where on earth would you even start?

I hear you. I spent many years of my life working and playing like I was all jacked up on Mountain Dew. I didn’t have time to make changes. I barely had time to sleep. It seemed like such a daunting task, until I made the decision to do just one little thing each day to move me closer to where I wanted to be in my life. I spent two years getting myself where I am today. I didn’t try to do everything in a few months. The thought of that made the dream feel impossible, so I took baby steps. Whatever felt good to me that day is what I’d do. Maybe it was simply telling someone else about my hopes and dreams over a cold beer…just talking about something is a powerful thing. It gets your mind laser focused on what you want and sharing that with others gets their minds cheering yours on. (Side note: I don’t believe there’s such a thing as a self-made man. If you pull back the curtain, there’s always a team of people that have contributed to each and every person’s success. Remember that and be supportive of others’ dreams. We reap what we sow.)

Part of my master plan to end up in Europe involved renting my home, downsizing into a condo, giving away most of my possessions and basically simplifying my life. I’d vowed I would have my house rented and be living in a condo in downtown Austin by January 1, 2011. It was the week of Thanksgiving 2010 and my house still wasn’t rented. I had a realtor working on it, and I had it posted on Craigslist as well as a slew of other online sites. I was starting to freak out and doubt things were going to go my way, but the cheerleaders on “team Jo” encouraged me to stay focused and things would work out. A good friend suggested I simply put a “For Rent” sign in my front yard. Three days later my house was rented by my neighbor’s sister…with a two year commitment. Two days after that, I found the perfect condo in my favorite downtown neighborhood. And, on December 28, 2010, I moved in. It came down to the wire and didn’t happen the way I anticipated…it never does and likely never will…but I got exactly what I wanted (with a little help from my friends).

I could tell you a hundred stories that end with me getting what I want because I am a powerful creator

And, so are you!

{In my mind’s eye we’re in a team huddle as I tell you this next part and we’re all wearing Jayton Lady Jays basketball uniforms.}

What are you waiting for? You are strong.  You are capable.  And you are deserving.

Now get out there! Dream big, be courageous, be confident and take action!

Eyes on the prize, champ. You got this!

*virtual high-five and butt smack*

{cue music —> Click me! Click me!}

2 Responses so far.

  1. Meg says:

    just got tears in my eyes. good stuff jo… :)

    • Cari says:

      Thanks Jo – I ran into Meg last night at John Defee’s birthday party under the ACL tree. We spoke about your blog and I need to catch up. Started with this one today…very encouraging. Baby steps, one thing each day that makes me happy and nurtures me, that cares for me and reminds me of God’s love. That’s my baby steps plan for this week. Thank you and safe travels!