I’m hot.

Ciao, rigazzi!

I have to tell you. I’m hotter than a piece of bologna in a west Texas frying pan. It’s stifling hot and it’s doing the same thing to my energy.

I don’t have the gumption to workout. I don’t feel creative enough to write. I don’t understand why I keep showering because I’m drenched in sweat five minutes later. I’ve got a rash under my arms from applying deodorant six times per day. Oh, and the best part, the heat brings on a crazy bout of narcolepsy. I’ve been a napping son-of-a-bitch the past few days. (I dropped two shots of espresso just to get this entry written.)

So, there’s that…

But then there’s this…

This country is crawling with beautiful men and food and wine so I’m surrounded by pleasant distractions. And everybody here is as sweaty as I am so it’s an even playing field. I’ve even made peace with perspiration…my own and that of others. As long as it’s not accompanied by a stranger’s labored breathing and/or extremely ripe body odor then I’m a-okay with a sweaty pit making contact with my arm during a christian side hug. And, heat suppresses my appetite so I’m positive I won’t blow up like a blue balena before Jen’s wedding at the end of September.

So, what have I been doing?

A lot of thinking. And I’m really getting excited!

There’s more change percolating in my world. I’ll let you know what’s going to happen as soon as I do. Things are taking shape, but I haven’t quite got the pieces of the puzzle put together yet. I’m waiting on the Universe to do the big reveal. “Bus driver! Move that bus!!!”

(Yes, I know that was lame. Must I remind you that my brain melted about a week ago? Seriously, though, Extreme Makeover Home Edition…Anyone? Anyone?)

In the meantime, I’d like you to do me a little favor. Consider it a group participation exercise to help me through this momento molto caldo.

What do you want to know about my travels? What are you curious about that I haven’t told you? Maybe you have a cultural question? Or, questions about a woman’s experience flying solo in a foreign country? Perhaps you have a personal question? You know me…I’ll talk about almost anything. I may have to change some names to protect the innocent, but I’ll tell you as much as I can without jeopardizing my reputation {loose translation required}.

I promised the parentals I wouldn’t write my “tell-all” until they were six feet under.

So, message me privately on the “Let’s Converse” page or you can just leave a comment at the bottom of this blog post and I’ll get to work answering your questions.

I anxiously await your feedback. In the meantime, I think I need a nap.

Gio Gio

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