Unsolicited Advice from JoJo

I had a wonderful weekend filled with beautiful weather, new friends, amazing food and Jo-time. I thought I’d share a few of my random observations with you along with some of my infamous, unsolicited advice. Perhaps you’ll relate or maybe you’ll just find me mildly entertaining. Either way, we both win.

1. Rain smells like rain no matter where in the world you happen to be.

Yes, I’m sure there are a few smog-filled exceptions to that, but go with me here…because there’s something familiar and comforting in the smell of fated rain and the promise of change. It’s powerful. No matter where I am, when it first begins to rain, I feel like I’m at home. I close my eyes the instant my nose makes the connection and the cool breeze, like the memories of my childhood, wash over me. In that moment, I’m 7-years-old again racing my sisters and the approaching thunderstorm through the field between our house and Grandmother’s, trying to be the first one to the porch. To shelter. To safety. I’M HOME!

And in that moment, I’m blissfully happy and grateful.

Saturday’s rain here in Bologna brought an end to a heat wave. It’s currently 72 degrees (22 Celsius) and I’m loving every second of it. Sweet, fresco, summer relief! WOOHOO!

2. My thoughts are my intellectual property and only I get to choose what they are and ever will be. (Same goes for you.)

So, there’s never a need to argue about it on Facebook. Ever! Just share pictures and updates of your sweet family and your life’s adventures. Uplift those around you. Share positive ideas. Ask for encouragement when you need it. Be part of a global conversation. Learn something. Teach something. But, stop flinging social poo and word vomit everywhere. You sound stupid and the world is littered with enough smelly shit as it is.

I’m willing to bet that NO ONE IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD changed their mind about something because they were yelled at and browbeaten.

It takes a little time and a bit of finesse, but it is possible to make a point without being a dick. Try harder or lock it up.

3. My words, thoughts and deeds are powerful. (So are yours.)

They have, without a doubt, directly created my reality. Thank you, sister, for challenging me to be a lovelier version of myself. For reminding me to speak softly to the inner-JoJo. And to celebrate the simplest of victories shamelessly. I’ve come a long way!

Note: Johanna v3.6 is being released on July 28 in Rome, Italy. I hope you’ll join me in a global celebration! ;)

4. First impressions are inescapable.

We all know the initial meeting (social, personal, business or otherwise) sets the tone for the future relationship. That’s why it’s so important to always be your authentic self. If you try too hard or misrepresent yourself you become a slave to the character you’ve created. Be you. If you don’t like you, then change! Because chances are, if you don’t like you then the rest of us don’t either.

5 Responses so far.

  1. Bindel says:

    Your intellectual property, once again, struck so many chords with me, Jo. You are so perfectly in tune with yourself & it reminds me to stay focused on what’s important & not the little petty things. I’m printing this post & taping it to my bathroom mirror so I can read it when I start being a little flat….or sharp. ;) Thanks for uplifting everyone who crosses your path & who reads your posts. You are still making an impact on people half a world away from them. I want to share with you what one of my best friends told me this in the wee hours of the morning on June 12, 2011: You are a big F’n deal.
    Love you. Xoxo

  2. Meredith says:

    You are ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS!! exactly the unsolicited advice I needed to read on Monday morning! Thanks Hot Stuff! here’s to a great start of the week! XOXO

  3. Dee says:

    Beautiful words from a beautiful JoJo! Happy birthday week my friend!

  4. Shanda says:

    love you. great blog post!!!

  5. Lex says:

    You are my role model Jo. When I grow up, I WANT TO BE YOU! Love love love