A Pep Talk for Dreamers and Non-Believers

I’m struggling right now with a feeling of disconnect from the ones that I love, but I hesitated telling you about it. I was afraid you’d say, “I told you so. What did you think would happen moving so far away on a whim?” But, I promise I still love where I am in life and wouldn’t change things if I could. I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be; I just really need a hug right now – a big, super-sized, American hug.

As much as you watch me stick my neck out there, wear my heart on my sleeve and take continuous leaps of faith, there are many of you that just can’t get on board with living the life of a dreamer. The stakes seem too high. You’re afraid of change, failure, or disappointment – or, perhaps all of the above. Besides, following through with outlandish-seeming, life-changing decisions just isn’t safe and practical. Trust me, I’m fully aware.

I believe there’s plenty of time in life to be practical and play it safe.  Personally, I’ve made the decision to adopt that lifestyle on my 80th birthday – Johanna v8.0.

What about you?

If only for a moment, I want you to allow yourself to dream so big that you can really see it and focus on it and get excited about it and plan for it and truly believe that you can have it.

Why not play along? What have you got to lose?

After you start dreaming and visualizing that which gets your pulse racing, you’re bound to start hearing a faint whisper in your head. That’s because you’ve stirred someone inside of you. Allow that inner-self to have a voice – the one that speaks to you in your gut, the one that lights a fire in the pit of your stomach and clings to your chest until you can’t breathe sometimes. That voice. Listen to it. Let it out. Move with it.

Let your heart’s desires dance around inside of you until they’re bursting to escape out into the world. In that moment, you will find strength beyond belief. You will feel free to speak your truth without fear of judgment and abandonment. You will believe in your worthiness to have all that you dream of.

I won’t dare say there are parts of this metamorphosis that aren’t heart-wrenching and painful and can bring you to your knees in a fit of tears; it tends to stir up old demons that have paralyzed your authentic self into silence.  But when the clouds of uncertainty part and the dust settles, you’ll feel more free and alive and powerful than ever before. You’ll finally be able to fill your mind with all the beautiful things you really want in life instead of all the nagging reasons it’s never going to happen. You’ll recognize the things that are worth holding onto, the things worth fighting for and the things that no longer serve your highest good. And without even realizing it, you’ll suddenly find yourself living the life you were always intended.

If you do all that, I promise “safe and practical” will seem like a waste of a perfectly good life.

Day dream believer

8 Responses so far.

  1. Life, of necessity, has vicissitudes. Without melancholy, there would be no joy. Buddha teaches us that everything is temporary, including feeling like shit.

  2. I couldn’t be more proud of you, Sister. You. Are. Awesome.
    I love you so much!

  3. Bindel says:

    I needed this cup of Jo big time today, mama. One of the most beautiful and inspiring posts I have ever read. It inspired that inner self of mine to give my confidence level (or lack there of) a swift kick in the shins to let me know I need to get it together. I hope you feel my love & admiration for you today.

  4. Felicia says:

    Great read and great writing J